AFSCME Local 448 Northwestern Illinois State Employees Union / AFL-CIO / Council 31

AFSCME Local 448 Northwestern Illinois State Employees Union / AFL-CIO / Council 31

AFSCME Local 448 Northwestern Illinois State Employees Union / AFL-CIO / Council 31
AFSCME Local 448 . . . Proudly Representing Over 600 Workers in the Illinois Counties of Boone, Bureau, Jo Daviess, Lee, Ogle, Stephenson, Whiteside and Winnebago
Our New Collective Bargaining Agreement
Now that the contract is ratified let's take a look at some of the changes that were made with regard to Electronic Monitoring and Vacation Schedules. The text in BLUE is the new language in each section.
Section 9. Electronic Monitoring
Information obtained by the Employer as the result of electronic monitoring via video will not be relied on by the Employer as the sole basis either for initiating or supporting employee discipline. The Employer reserves the right to initiate an investigation based upon information obtained as the result of electronic monitoring
only when independent, substantiating evidence has been obtained.
The positioning of electronic monitoring equipment shall be done with the intention of providing a safe and secure work environment and not for the primary purpose of engaging in employee surveillance.
So what does that mean? In a nutshell, it means that where there is electronic monitoring taking place, the employer can use that information to VERIFY something that has been brought too their attention. They cannot use it to try and catch employees breaking the rules.
ARTICLE X Vacations
Section 5. Vacation Schedules
Subject to Section 6 and the Employer's operating needs, vacations shall be scheduled as requested by the employee in writing. The Employer shall respond to vacation requests within five (5) work days. Where current practice provides for a quicker response, such practice shall continue. Once scheduled vacation is
approved it will only be canceled if the Employer's operating needs require that employee's services. The necessity of an overtime assignment shall not be a consideration in the cancellation of approved vacation.
Employees selected for promotion shall not have scheduled vacation time cancelled solely due to the promotion. In any event, upon request, vacation time must be scheduled so that it may be taken no later than twenty-four (24) months after the expiration of the calendar year in which such vacation time was earned. If an employee does not request and take accrued vacation within such twenty-four (24) month period, vacation earned during such calendar year shall be lost. Except that the period of time an employee is on an approved leave of absence pursuant to Article XXIII, Leaves of Absence, shall not count toward the twenty-four-month period.
So what does that mean? Previously, when someone was promoted after a vacation request had been approved, they were often not allowed to take those vacations. They had to re-request the time off from their new supervisor and many
times that request was denied because the unit was already at their limit on those allowed off. Or the person is less senior than someone who was denied their 1st choice. With this language change, that is no longer the case. If your time off was approved it cannot be canceled just because you are now in a different position.
Contract Books
We should be getting the contract books any day now. Once they are received we will work on getting them out to everyone. Until then, CMS has the new contract, including the pay tables, posted on their website. You can use the link below too access it:
Local Constitution Changes
The 2nd reading of proposed changes to the Local 448 constitution will done at the in-person membership meeting on September 5, 2024. These changes will be voted on at this meeting as well.
Former DCFS Investigator Found Guilty of Child Endangerment
As many of you are probably aware, on 6-6-24, Carlos Acosta, a former DCFS investigator and AFSCME member was found guilty of child endangerment and received a 6-month jail sentence.
While at the time of the incident Carlos was not a member of our Local, this could happen to anyone. Those of you who know Carlos, know he was a dedicated and caring co-worker who had joined in the Union’s decades long fight to reduce caseloads and improve working conditions so that the agency’s mission to protect children and strengthen families can succeed wherever possible.
A DCFS workers job is difficult under the best of circumstances. But in Illinois, the difficulty of their work is further compounded by the tremendous burden of unmanageable caseloads. It is critical that the State acknowledge this burden and work to make sure that they have the support and resources needed.
That means hiring and retaining more staff so that their workload allows them to respond to each challenge with the necessary presence, care and attention. Our sisters and brothers on the DCFS Standing Committee, as well as the Council 31 Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention Task Force which includes DCFS members, will continue to press for the changes needed to meet that standard.
We want to remind you of the resources available to each AFSCME member. You can visit the Personal Support Program (PSP) website, or call 1-800-647-8776 or TTY 1-800-526-0844 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, to schedule day, evening or, in some locations, weekend appointments.
Convention Attendees
A big thank you to all that came out to the June membership meeting in Freeport and congratulations to those that were elected to represent our local at this years AFSCME International Convention.
Our delegates are as follows:
Alice Sutherland, Robin Aebly, Laurie Scudder, Tom Soresie and Tina Wren.
Alternates are as follows:
Tanya Burns, Marie Reck, Taquisha Santos Tague and Ayesha Horton.
Guest are as follows:
Dawn Chavez, Rocio Alfaro, Cynthia Jimenez, Cynthia Witt and Aaron Sockwell.
We have a week packed full of speakers and workshops scheduled for us along with conducting the business of the International Union for the next two years and the election our international leadership. Check out the August newsletter for highlights!
Help Is Just A Call Away!
We wanted to take a moment to remind you that if you are experiencing excessive stress, depression or anxiety, help is available through the AFSCME Personal Support Program. It's now even easier to access the help you need as PSP services are available via Telehealth. You can call 1-800-647-8776 for assistance.
Want To Receive Text and Email Updates?
In an effort to keep everyone up to date on what is going on, we are trying to gather personal email addresses and cell phone numbers so that this can be used as a method of contact when important things come up and we need to get the word out fast. If you would like to receive email and text updates, please send your PERSONAL email address and cell phone information to Alice Sutherland at presidentafscmelocal448@gmail.com. You can also do this by going to www.afscme31.org and entering your email address in the “Sign UP for Email” space, then completing the information asked for.
Welcome To Our AFSCME 448 Website!
It is a pleasure to present our AFSCME 448 website to our members! The website launched publicly on December 6, 2019, and the primary purpose of the website is to communicate noteworthy news, events and information to our 600+ local 448 members. Like any well-planned and useful website, our website will never be “completed” or “finished”; we will make regular updates to it as new information and needs dictate.

Membership meetings are
held at least quarterly and generally on the first Thursday of the month. Food will be served (when allowed) beginning at 5:30 pm with
the meeting beginning promptly at 6:30 pm.
The next Membership Meeting is SEPTEMBER 5 (Location TBD)
If you want to participate in the meeting please send an email to Alice Sutherland at presidentafscmelocal448@gmail.com
Attend Your
Union Meetings!
Sign Up For Emailed
Membership News Alerts

Bad Addresses
If you move, don't forget to let your steward know your new address or send an email to Alice Sutherland. Each month, we get several newsletters back because members have moved and we don't have an updated address. If you know of someone who has moved, make sure to reach out to them and let them know they need to update their address with us. We want everyone to stay informed.
Your Right To
Union Representation:
"If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated or have any effect on
my personal working conditions, I respectfully request my union representative, officer or steward to be present at this meeting. Without union representation, I choose not to participate in this discussion."